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STUFFED Reading – 1/18/25

The 8 STUFFED characters ─ Béchamel, Churro, Kebab, Latke, Moqueca, Shakshuka, Uru, and Wasabi ─ are about to leave FRIEDA. P. W. Prichett and FRIEDAcommunity invite everyone who has written a story about STUFFED to join us on Saturday, January 18 for a reading.

This event is about creativity, imagination, and the ability to connect with and inspire people through storytelling. Each story is unique, a celebration of our diversity. At the same time, the specific can become universal when it speaks to our shared human experience.

FRIEDAcommunity is inviting you to our space to listen to stories read by participants in the three separate creative writing workshops, which were hosted by Chris Campanioni, Susanne Reece, and Sara Porkalob. The kids who were part of our STUFFED outreach program with Mighty Writers will also read their stories.


Date: Saturday, January 18
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
This event will be split into two sessions. You may attend both sessions if you choose to.
Part 1 Kids reading time: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Part 2 Grown-ups and children-at-heart reading time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Location: FRIEDA, 320 Walnut Street
Registration: Space is limited. By reservation only, at least 2 days prior to the event.
Fee: Open to the public. Admission free.


Mask recommended during this event.
Please click here to Sign up.