Black squares icon
Our host Tina and her daughter Gail from the baking team
Richard, one of our art instructors
Nahir, David, Michelle and Thomas
Karen and Bill


At FRIEDA, we have one driving goal: to create genuine connections between people of all generations and all social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.

For many years, FRIEDA has created a safe and inclusive space for people to interact and has nourished people beyond delicious food. To enhance creative and social opportunities, we have founded FRIEDAcommunity, a not-for-profit that shares FRIEDA’s mission of connecting people in meaningful ways.

FRIEDAcommunity is now in charge of curating our program of enriching workshops and classes, exhibitions and happenings centered in the arts, culture, and entertainment.

FRIEDAcommunity is more than just a name. It is all the faces you meet at FRIEDA – the artists, instructors, volunteers, and others from the broader community who, together with the kitchen team, the retirees in the baking team, and the waitstaff, make all this possible!

And while FRIEDA in Philadelphia’s Historic District remains the venue for most social activities and events, FRIEDAcommunity transcends any space. It is what brings people together.

Whether you’re looking for a poetry group, a place to practice conversational French, or like-minded partners to travel with, we have something enriching to offer: an opportunity for you to learn and discover, and a platform for you to share your skills, knowledge, and experience.

All we ask is that you come with an open mind and treat the space, our team, and each other with respect.

Welcome to FRIEDAcommunity!

FRIEDAcommunity / FRIEDA in numbers

*through March 30, 2023

Days (re)connecting generations

100% of the sale proceeds of any artwork during the exhibition go to the artist

Paid hours for employees age 50+

Donations, discounts to support other nonprofits

Volunteer hours nurturing the FRIEDA “community”

Muffins donated to soup kitchens, senior and community centers, hospitals

Excursions and day trips

(and counting) Pompoms, hand-made by volunteers

Butterflies, hand-cut by volunteers

Exhibitons, groupshows and communtiy art installations

Professional opportunities for artists, writers, musicians, performers

Attendees for activities, events, workshops